Hello! This is CollegeTuitionCompare

Our organization, CollegeTuitionCompare (CTC), aims to provide accurate, up-to-date tuition information to prospective college students and their parents to help them make the best choices.
College tuition is an important practical consideration when choosing a college. Tuition can be an important factor in choosing a college, especially if you want to enroll in or have already been accepted to multiple colleges.
We provide:
  • Annual tuition & fees
  • Living cost - room, board, and other personal expenses
  • Average tuition by major program
  • Average cost by vocational program
  • Law School tuition and cost of attendance
  • Medical School tuition and cost of attendance
Base on that, you can use:
  • Statistical data by state, school type, school level, and more
  • Compare group of colleges - state, school category, and even your own group
  • Save your schools to compare them in comprehensive way
The data we use is based on data officially published by IPEDS, and where necessary we use additional data provided by individual schools. In particular, law school and medical school information refers to data provided by the ABA and AAMC, and we check each school's information and update periodically.
Detailed information can be found in data freshness.
If you have any questions or need to improve, please feel free to contact speaker@collegetuitioncompare.com.
We support your future!
CollegeTuitionCompare Team