Highest Earning Majors by Degree
For bachelor's degree, the graduates who completing Construction Trades program have the highest salary of $74,977 and Engineering program have the second highest salary of $74,788 in average.
Associate's Science Technologies/Technicians program shows the highest earning ($70,729) and Engineering program follows with $64,766 average salary.
Computer and Information Sciences Master's program has $94,497 average salary and Engineering program completers earn $92,900 yearly.
Earning and Loan Debt Payment by Major and Degree
The below table summarizes the average earning of graduates after completing by area of study and degrees. The earning is the salary after three years from graduation and an average over all sub-majors of each area of study.
In addition, the table shows the average loan debt and estimated monthly payment over students who completing and earning corresponding degree. The monthly payment is estimated, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 3.73% interest rate.
You can check the average yearly earning and loan debt by area of study and degree. The earning is the average over all sub major program of each area of study and it may differ from the amount of specific major program. The salary is based on the amount after 3 years of graduation. For the loan debt, it only includes the federal loan debt originated at the school awarding the credential.