Top Colleges in Iowa SAT score Comparison

The median SAT score of Top Colleges in Iowa is 1186 for 2023-2024 admission. A total of 1,871 students which is 12.63% of enrolled students, submitted SAT score at Top Colleges in Iowa.

Grinnell College had the highest SAT score of 1490 and William Penn University had the lowest SAT score of 950 among Top Colleges in Iowa.

By SAT subject, the median EBRW score is 594 and the median SAT Math score is 591 at Top Colleges in Iowa =. For reference, the median ACT (Composite) score is 25 at the schools.

Top Colleges in Iowa SAT Score Comparison Table

Table. Top Colleges in Iowa Acceptance Rates and Admission Comparison
RankSchool SAT MedianSAT EBRW MedianSAT Math MedianACT Composite Median
1Grinnell CollegeGrinnell, IA149073076033
2Drake UniversityDes Moines, IA128064064027
3Simpson CollegeIndianola, IA---31
4Luther CollegeDecorah, IA121061060026
5Iowa State UniversityAmes, IA124062062024
6Wartburg CollegeWaverly, IA104551553023
7William Penn UniversityOskaloosa, IA95048047019
8Maharishi International UniversityFairfield, IA----
9University of IowaIowa City, IA122061061025
10Upper Iowa UniversityFayette, IA105055050016
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