Colleges near Post Falls, Idaho

There are 2 colleges located in Post Falls, Idaho. In addition, there are 10 schools near the city within 30 miles. By school types, there are 3 public and 9 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $18,258 for Idaho residents and $19,071 for out-of-state students. For graduate programs, the tuition & fees are $12,899 for Idaho residents and $14,296 for out-of-state students.
The average acceptance rate of the schools is 86.31% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 50.00%. The average graduation rate is 56% and total 25,179 students enrolled in the schools. Among enrolled students, 5,469 students enrolled online exclusively in colleges near Post Falls, Idaho.
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12 Colleges near Post Falls, Idaho

The following table lists and compares 12 Colleges near Post Falls, Idaho with tuition and important academic facts. You can sort the table by touching/clicking a column title that you want to sort.
Tuition & Key Stats Comparison between Colleges near Post Falls, Idaho
School NameCity (distance from city center)Undergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesAcceptance RateGraduation RateStudent To faculty RatioStudent Population
North Idaho College
Coeur d'Alene
(7.2 miles)
-- 26% 14 to 1 4,296
Paul Mitchell the School-Spokane
private (for-profit)
Spokane Valley
(12.9 miles)
$16,340 -- 54% 11 to 1 185
Carrington College-Spokane
private (for-profit)
(15.7 miles)
$21,744 -- 60% 43 to 1 298
Studio Beauty School
private (for-profit)
Spokane Valley
(16.1 miles)
$8,410 -- 94% 10 to 1 88
Spokane Community College
(19.9 miles)
-- 35% 17 to 1 6,502
Great Northern University
private (not-for-profit)
(21.7 miles)
$17,700 -100.00% - 2 to 1 35
Gonzaga University
private (not-for-profit)
(21.8 miles)
$53,500 $20,24475.96% 88% 12 to 1 7,253
Northwest HVAC/R Training Center
private (not-for-profit)
(22.1 miles)
$11,500 -82.50% 67% 18 to 1 35
Whitworth University-Adult Degree Programs
private (not-for-profit)
(22.1 miles)
$13,560 $9,720- - 13 to 1 177
Whitworth University
private (not-for-profit)
(22.4 miles)
$50,920 $12,92486.77% 75% 10 to 1 2,415
Glen Dow Academy of Hair Design
private (for-profit)
(22.7 miles)
$15,451 -- 29% 17 to 1 100
Spokane Falls Community College
(24.6 miles)
-- 29% 14 to 1 3,795

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