Colleges near Saint Paul, Minnesota

There are 13 colleges located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. By school types, there are 2 public and 11 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $30,051 for Minnesota residents and $35,325 for out-of-state students. For graduate programs, the tuition & fees are $13,445 for Minnesota residents and $16,099 for out-of-state students.
The average acceptance rate of the schools is 81.41% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 24.14%. The average graduation rate is 62% and total 43,764 students enrolled in the schools. Among enrolled students, 12,436 students enrolled online exclusively in colleges near Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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13 Colleges near Saint Paul, Minnesota

The following table lists and compares 13 Colleges near Saint Paul, Minnesota with tuition and important academic facts. You can sort the table by touching/clicking a column title that you want to sort.
Tuition & Key Stats Comparison between Colleges near Saint Paul, Minnesota
School NameCity (distance from city center)Undergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesAcceptance RateGraduation RateStudent To faculty RatioStudent Population
Bethel University
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $42,930 $10,56690.99% 74% 12 to 1 3,546
Bethel Seminary-St Paul
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul - $9,057- - - 369
Concordia University-Saint Paul
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $25,000 $8,55074.87% 51% 13 to 1 5,544
Hamline University
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $48,311 $10,28189.83% 69% 13 to 1 2,638
Luther Seminary
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul - $19,343- - - 410
Macalester College
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $64,908 -28.21% 87% 10 to 1 2,175
Metropolitan State University
Saint Paul $9,780
96.49% 32% 14 to 1 6,294
University of Northwestern-St Paul
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $36,830 $9,72091.88% 70% 15 to 1 3,253
University of St Thomas
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $52,284 $21,99284.94% 79% 13 to 1 9,025
St Catherine University
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul $37,588 $18,57094.07% 63% 10 to 1 3,577
Saint Paul College
Saint Paul $6,318
-- 31% 21 to 1 5,365
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
private (not-for-profit)
Saint Paul - $37,780- - - 1,192
McNally Smith College of Music
private (for-profit)
Saint Paul $29,300 $20,250- - 7 to 1 376

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