Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta

Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta is a private community college located in Rochester, NY.
The 2024 tuition & fees are $18,692 for undergraduate programs at Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta. Its tuition & fees are cheaper than the average costs ($19,786) of private community colleges in New York.

Academic Overview

Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta is a four-years, private (not-for-profit) school located in Rochester, New York.
For the academic year 2023-2024, the tuition & fees are $18,692 on average.
Directory Information and Key Academic Statistics
Typefour-years, private (not-for-profit)
Address1225 Jefferson Rd, Rochester, NY
Tuition & Fees (2023-2024) »$18,692

2024 Tuition & Fees

The 2024 tuition & fees are $18,692 for undergraduate programs at Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta. Its tuition & fees are cheaper than the average tuition ($19,786) over private community colleges in New York.
The following table shows the 2023-2024 tuition & fees, books & supplies, and living costs at Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta. Then, we compare its costs to New York community colleges and all U.S. community colleges. In addition, the chart shows the changes in tuition over the last 5 years.
Each cost is an average amount over the offered programs at the school. You can check more comprehensive tuition information on the cost of attendance page.
2024 Cost Of Attendance
Tuition & Fees$18,692
Books & Supplies$1,800
Off-Campus Living Costs$5,380
Cost of Attendance$25,872
2024 Tuition & Fees and Comparison
Tuition & Fees
Bryant & Stratton College-Henrietta$18,692
Private Community Colleges in New York$19,786
Private Community Colleges in U.S.$19,928

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