South Carolina Community Colleges - Tuition Comparison

There are 27 community colleges (2-4 years colleges) in South Carolina (19 public and 8 private schools). The 2024 average tuition & fees of the schools are $6,133 for South Carolina residents and $12,853 for out-of-state students.
The average financial aid amounts including grants and/or scholarships are $4,792. Total 76,445 students are attending South Carolina community colleges (2,831 on average). The average graduation rate is 33.83% and the students to faculty ratio is 15 to 1. The average earning after 10 years of graduation from community colleges in South Carolina is $30,081.

South Carolina Community Colleges Average Statistics

There are 27 community colleges (2-4 years colleges, offer Associate degree/program dominantly) located in South Carolina - 19 schools are public and 8 private. 19 community colleges in South Carolina have the open admission policy with some application requirements such as high school diploma and certificate of attendance. The average acceptance rate of schools without open admission policies is 80.65% and the yield, also known as enrollment rate, is 58.16%.
Total 76,445 students are attending South Carolina community colleges and, among them, 25,841 students enrolled online exclusively. 20 schools offer online degree/programs out of South Carolina community colleges. The following table summarizes the average statistics for key academic facts for the academic year 2023-2024.
South Carolina Community Colleges Average Statistics (2023-2024)
Number of Schools27 community colleges (19 public, 8 private)
Open Admission Policy19 out of 27 schools
Acceptance Rate80.65%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)58.16%
Tuition & Fees$6,133 South Carolina Residents
$12,853 out-of-state Students
Financial Aid Amounts$4,792
Student PopulationTotal 76,445 (2,831 on average)
Online Student PopulationTotal 25,841 (1,292 on average) in 20 schools offering online classes)
Graduation Rate33.83%
Transfer-out Rate23.45%
Student to Faculty Ratio15.38 to 1
Salary After 10 Years of Graduation$30,081

South Carolina Community Colleges Comparison - Ranking and Key Facts

University of South Carolina-Lancaster is ranked first among South Carolina community colleges and Trident Technical College and University of South Carolina-Sumter are second and third position in the ranking. The average tuition & fees of the schools are $6,133 for South Carolina residents and $12,853 for out-of-state students. The following table compares the South Carolina community colleges with average key statistics by ranking.
2024 Tuition & Academic Comparison Between Community Colleges in South Carolina
NameTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidAverage Earning after 10 Years of GraduationStudent PopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty Ratio
South Carolina ResidentsOut-of-State
University of South Carolina-Lancaster
$7,558$18,238 $3,189 $53,900 2,328 29% 20 to 1
Trident Technical College
$5,059$8,606 $9,248 $35,100 14,025 29% 23 to 1
University of South Carolina-Sumter
$7,558$18,238 $2,863 $39,400 1,692 36% 18 to 1
Florence-Darlington Technical College
$4,900$6,772 $4,840 $30,300 3,521 20% 19 to 1
Tri-County Technical College
$6,008$11,096 $6,742 $30,500 5,780 39% 19 to 1
Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College
$5,954$7,970 $4,302 $29,400 2,146 40% 16 to 1
Midlands Technical College
West Columbia
$5,916$13,812 $4,716 $32,600 8,978 16% 16 to 1
Spartanburg Community College
$6,198$10,110 $4,141 $31,700 6,330 30% 16 to 1
Technical College of the Lowcountry
$6,100$11,044 $3,641 $30,300 2,349 12% 12 to 1
University of South Carolina-Union
$7,558$18,238 $2,438 $35,400 1,392 38% 17 to 1
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
$5,476$8,836 $4,461 $29,800 7,353 28% 20 to 1
York Technical College
Rock Hill
$5,882$10,824 $6,088 $29,600 4,731 32% 19 to 1
Forrest College
$10,650 $5,098 $21,100 67 - 11 to 1
Piedmont Technical College
$5,675$6,923 $4,686 $29,200 4,999 33% 18 to 1
Aiken Technical College
$5,404$6,947 $4,173 $30,600 2,218 19% 13 to 1
University of South Carolina-Salkehatchie
$7,558$18,238 $2,909 $29,200 809 22% 15 to 1
Miller-Motte College-Charleston
$5,000 $4,628 $25,600 124 66% 6 to 1
Denmark Technical College
$6,301$11,927 $2,688 $20,700 646 14% 15 to 1
Williamsburg Technical College
$4,800$8,592 $2,992 $25,000 629 21% 11 to 1
Northeastern Technical College
$6,024$6,024 $4,632 $26,500 1,477 35% 12 to 1
Central Carolina Technical College
$6,594$9,016 $4,420 $29,400 3,004 31% 15 to 1
Galen Health Institutes-Myrtle Beach
Myrtle Beach
$15,860 $7,727 $0 629 - 12 to 1
Southeastern College-Columbia
$24,184 $6,127 $29,000 249 52% 10 to 1
Fortis College-Columbia
$14,576 $6,009 $28,300 513 36% 23 to 1
Southeastern College-Charleston
North Charleston
$24,184 $6,209 $33,400 232 70% 13 to 1
Centura College-Columbia
$15,887 - $22,000 60 - -
Miller-Motte College-Conway
$25,240 $5,633 $24,100 164 64% 11 to 1
Average$6,133$12,853 $4,792$30,0812,831 33.83%15.38 to 1
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