5 District Of Columbia Colleges by SAT Scores

5 District Of Columbia colleges require or consider SAT and ACT scores in their application process. Based on the submitted scores, we compare District Of Columbia colleges by SAT and ACT score range.

Tuition Comparison between District Of Columbia Colleges

5 District Of Columbia colleges have SAT and ACT scores submitted by enrolled students - all schools are private. For the District Of Columbia colleges, the average SAT score is 1,266 the ACT score is 27. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $47,885 and the graduate tuition & fees are $37,452. The average acceptance rate of District Of Columbia colleges is 39.99% and 75,016 students are attending District Of Columbia colleges.
Table. SAT/ACT Score Comparison Between District Of Columbia Colleges
School NameTuition & Fees Average Salary
after 10 years
of graduation
Acceptance RateSAT AverageSAT EBRWSAT MathACT CompositeACT EnglishACT Math
25th pctl.75th pctl.25th pctl.75th pctl.25th pctl.75th pctl.25th pctl.75th pctl.25th pctl.75th pctl.
American University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$56,543 $67,70047.00%1,380 670740 6307102933 2530 3035
Gallaudet University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$19,658 $34,30060.94%820 370463 3804701418 1417 1115
George Washington University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$64,798 $82,40044.00%1,430 680750 6707503134 2831 3235
Georgetown University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$65,081 $125,20013.00%1,500 700770 6907803234 2935 3435
Howard University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$33,344 $54,50035.00%1,200 560660 5406382228 2126 2330
Average $47,885 $72,82039.99%1,266 596677 5826702629 2328 2630
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