Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America vs LIU Hudson at Rockland

Compare two rival schools - Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America and LIU Hudson at Rockland with tuition and admission information where Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America is a four-years, private (not-for-profit) located in New York, NY and LIU Hudson at Rockland is a four-years, private (not-for-profit) located in Orangeburg, NY.
The next list compares two colleges briefly in important perspectives. You can compare two colleges with comprehensive information on the full comparison page.
  • Both schools are four-years, private (not-for-profit) schools.
  • LIU Hudson at Rockland has more students with 208 students while Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America has 81 students.
The following table compares the two rival schools - Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America and LIU Hudson at Rockland.
Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of Americavs.LIU Hudson at Rockland
New York, New YorkLocationOrangeburg, New York
Four-years, Private (not-for-profit)School Typefour-years, Private (not-for-profit)
Doctor's degreeHighest Degree OfferedMaster's degree
Theological seminaries, Bible college, and other faith-related institutionCarnegie Classification
$13,5602024 Tuition & Fees$0
55%% Receiving Financial Aid-
$9,628Average Amount of Financial Aid-
60.87 %Acceptance Rates-
100.00 %Yield (Enrollment Rates)-
-SAT Score-
-ACT Score-
10 %Graduation Rate-
-Transfer-out Rate-
94 %Retention Rate-
81Student Population208
9Number of Faculties-
9 to 1Students to Faculty Ratio-
Distance Learning (Online Classes), Study AbroadSpecial Learning Opportunities-
-On Campus Student Services-