For the academic year 2023-2024, the average acceptance rate of Siue vs Eiu is 80.54%. The yield, also known as enrollment rate, is 14.60%.
A total of 20,585 have applied, 16,580 admitted, and 2,421 students have enrolled one of Siue vs Eiu.
Eastern Illinois University is the tightest school to admit with 67.75% acceptance rate, and Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville has the second lowest acceptance rate of 97.21%.
School Name | Applicants | Admitted | Enrolled | Acceptance Rate | Admission Yield |
Eastern Illinois UniversityCharleston, IL | 11,648 | 7,892 | 819 | 67.75% | 10.38% |
Southern Illinois University-EdwardsvilleEdwardsville, IL | 8,937 | 8,688 | 1,602 | 97.21% | 18.44% |
Average | 10,293 | 8,290 | 1,211 | 80.54% | 14.60% |