For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Uiu vs Wartburg Seminary is 3,258.
The proportion of undergraduate students is 75.60% (2,463 students) and graduate students's proportion is 24.40% (795 graduate students).
Upper Iowa University has the most students of 3,072 among Uiu vs Wartburg Seminary. By gender, the male-female ratio at Uiu vs Wartburg Seminary is 40.61% (1,323 male students) to 59.39% (1,935 female students).
School Name | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
Upper Iowa UniversityFayette, IA | 3,072 | 2,463 (80.18%) |
609 (19.82%) |
1,247 (40.59%) |
1,825 (59.41%) |
Wartburg Theological SeminaryDubuque, IA | 186 | - | 186 (100.00%) |
76 (40.86%) |
110 (59.14%) |
Average | 1,629 | 2,463 (75.60%) | 398 (24.40%) | 662 (40.61%) | 968 (59.39%) |