For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Bgsu vs Lourdes University is 18,056.
The proportion of undergraduate students is 82.00% (14,806 students) and graduate students's proportion is 18.00% (3,250 graduate students).
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus has the most students of 16,920 among Bgsu vs Lourdes University. By gender, the male-female ratio at Bgsu vs Lourdes University is 42.32% (7,641 male students) to 57.68% (10,415 female students).
School Name | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
Bowling Green State University-Main CampusBowling Green, OH | 16,920 | 13,853 (81.87%) |
3,067 (18.13%) |
7,184 (42.46%) |
9,736 (57.54%) |
Lourdes UniversitySylvania, OH | 1,136 | 953 (83.89%) |
183 (16.11%) |
457 (40.23%) |
679 (59.77%) |
Average | 9,028 | 7,403 (82.00%) | 1,625 (18.00%) | 3,821 (42.32%) | 5,208 (57.68%) |