For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Cedarville University vs Cia is 5,544.
The proportion of undergraduate students is 92.30% (5,117 students) and graduate students's proportion is 7.70% (427 graduate students).
Cedarville University has the most students of 4,960 among Cedarville University vs Cia. By gender, the male-female ratio at Cedarville University vs Cia is 43.34% (2,403 male students) to 56.66% (3,141 female students).
School Name | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
Cedarville UniversityCedarville, OH | 4,960 | 4,533 (91.39%) |
427 (8.61%) |
2,240 (45.16%) |
2,720 (54.84%) |
Cleveland Institute of ArtCleveland, OH | 584 | 584 (100.00%) |
- | 163 (27.91%) |
421 (72.09%) |
Average | 2,772 | 2,559 (92.30%) | 427 (7.70%) | 1,202 (43.34%) | 1,571 (56.66%) |