For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of 2 Selected Colleges is 934.
The proportion of undergraduate students is 95.93% (896 students) and graduate students's proportion is 4.07% (38 graduate students).
The University of Tennessee Southern has the most students of 934 among 2 Selected Colleges. By gender, the male-female ratio at 2 Selected Colleges is 41.11% (384 male students) to 58.89% (550 female students).
School Name | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
The University of Tennessee SouthernPulaski, TN | 934 | 896 (95.93%) |
38 (4.07%) |
384 (41.11%) |
550 (58.89%) |
Average | 934 | 896 (95.93%) | 38 (4.07%) | 384 (41.11%) | 550 (58.89%) |