For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Vbc vs Depauw University is 1,934.
The proportion of undergraduate students is 97.72% (1,890 students) and graduate students's proportion is 2.28% (44 graduate students).
DePauw University has the most students of 1,752 among Vbc vs Depauw University. By gender, the male-female ratio at Vbc vs Depauw University is 50.47% (976 male students) to 49.53% (958 female students).
School Name | Total | Undergraduate | Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
DePauw UniversityGreencastle, IN | 1,752 | 1,752 (100.00%) |
- | 862 (49.20%) |
890 (50.80%) |
Veritas Baptist CollegeLawrenceburg, IN | 182 | 138 (75.82%) |
44 (24.18%) |
114 (62.64%) |
68 (37.36%) |
Average | 967 | 945 (97.72%) | 44 (2.28%) | 488 (50.47%) | 479 (49.53%) |