Alaska Bible College is a four-year, private (not-for-profit) school located in Palmer, AK. It is classified as faith-related institution by Carnegie Classification
The Alaska Bible's 2024 tuition & fees is $10,930 for the academic year 2023-2024. 82% of the enrolled undergraduates have received grants or scholarships, with an average aid amount of $7,120.
For the academic year 2023-2024, the school has a total enrollment of 65 and the students to faculty ratio is 5 to 1 (20.00%).
For undergraduate programs, the 2024 tuition & fees of Alaska Bible College is $10,930.
The estimated 2025 tuition & fees for prospective students is $10,960 based on the current year tuition changes from last year.
Undergraduate | $10,930 |
Undergraduate | $10,960 |
The estimation for 2024-2025 tuition costs is based on the cost change rates of last year.
Graduation Rate » | 100% |
Retention Rate | 33%(full-time) |
Student to Faculty Ratio | 20.00% (5 to 1) |
Student Population » | 65 (all undergraduate) |
Average Financial Aid » | $7,120 |
Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), College Scorecard
Alaska Bible College offers online classes (distance learning opportunities) for undergraduate programs.
Learning Opportunities | |
ROTC | No |
Weekend/Evening College | Yes |
Teacher Certification | Yes |
Study Abroad | No |
On-Campus Services | |
Academic/career counseling service | No |
Employment services for students | No |
Placement services for completers | No |
On-campus day care for students' children | No |
Address | 248 E Elmwood Ave, Palmer, AK 99645 |
Phone | 907-745-3201 |
WEB | School's Website |
Admission | Admission Information |
Online Application | Apply Online |
Financial Aid | Deadlines and Applications |
Net Price Calculator | Net Price Calculator |
Disability Service | Disability Services |
School Type | four-year, private (not-for-profit) |
Carnegie Category | Theological seminaries, Bible college, and other faith-related institution |
Highest Degree Offered | Bachelor's degree |
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