How Much is the tuition for 4 years at CIIS?
For the entering class 2024, the estimated tuition for 4 years at CIIS is $92,773.
The estimation excludes the book, supplies, and living costs before receiving any financial aid. See the other tabs for estimating 4-year total costs of attendance and after financial aid. The next table shows the estimated 4-years tuition & fees for the next 5 admission years. The estimation is based on 4-years changes in tuition & fees at the school.
CIIS 4 Years Tuition & Fees Estimates
| Admission Year | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 | Fall 2024 | $22,673 | $23,016 | $23,365 | $23,719 | $92,773 |
Class of 2029 | Fall 2025 | $23,016 | $23,365 | $23,719 | $24,079 | $94,179 |
Class of 2030 | Fall 2026 | $23,365 | $23,719 | $24,079 | $24,444 | $95,606 |
Class of 2031 | Fall 2027 | $23,719 | $24,079 | $24,444 | $24,814 | $97,055 |
Class of 2032 | Fall 2028 | $24,079 | $24,444 | $24,814 | $25,190 | $98,526 |