In 2024, 606 students (27% of enrolled) have submitted their SAT scores and 227 students (10%) have submitted their ACT scores for seeking degrees at HU.
The median SAT score is 1,200 with 620 SAT EBRW and 580 SAT Math median scores. The 75th percentile SAT score of EBRW (Evidence-Based Reading / Writing) is 660 and the 25th percentile is 560. The SAT Math 75th percentile score is 638 and 25th percentile is 540 .
The median ACT composite score is 25 with 75th percentile score of 28 and 25th percentile score of 22 at HU. The median ACT math score is 24 and the ACT English score is 25.
The SAT and ACT scores at Howard University are low compared to similar colleges (SAT: 1,311, ACT: 29 - private (not-for-profit) research university with high research activity).