Graduation Rate at Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
At Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan, the graduation rate is 46 % within 150% normal time, the retention rate is 56 %, as of August 31, 2023.
Its graduation rate is higher than the average rate when comparing similar colleges' rate of 34.56% (public urban-serving multi-campus Associate's college).
Explore Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan
Graduation Rates in Reasonable Completion Time
For the academic year 2022-2023, 56 students out of 121 candidates have completed their courses within 150% normal time (i.e. in 3 years for 2-year Associate degree) at Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan.
By gender, 38 male and 18 female students graduated the school last year completing their jobs in the period. Its graduation rate is higher than the average rate when comparing similar colleges' rate of 34.56% (public urban-serving multi-campus Associate's college).