6 ABA-accredited Law Schools in Michigan

Statistics for 6 Michigan Law Schools

The average tuition & fees of 6 Michigan law schools are $48,099 for state residents and $52,773 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2024-2025. The average GPA of the schools is 3.64 and the average LSAT score is 160. The average acceptance rate is 32.88%.

The following table compares ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Law Schools in Michigan law schools with important law schools facts.

ABA-Accredited Law Schools in Law Schools in Michigan Tuition and Admission Comparison Table
School NameTuition & FeesAcceptance RateAverage GPAAverage LSATTotal EnrollmentEnrollment (First-Year Students)Bar Exam Pass Rate*
Michigan State University College of Law
private, East Lansing, MI
$47,812 31.86% 3.63 160 553 139 72.78%
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
private, Detroit, MI
$47,654 47.72% 3.55 154 629 219 59.23%
University of Michigan Law School
public, Ann Arbor, MI
11.85% 3.86 171 1,036 307 97.27%
University of Wisconsin Law School
public, Madison, MI
28.93% 3.81 165 705 227 100.00%
Wayne State University Law School
public, Detroit, MI
29.33% 3.84 162 465 123 66.67%
Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School
private, Lansing, MI
$51,200 47.59% 3.15 147 420 139 37.25%
*The pass rate is based on the first time bar exam takers.
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