Law Schools in North Carolina

Currently, there are 6 North Carolina law schools that approved by ABA and/or active in IPEDS, U.S. Department of Education.

Statistics for 6 North Carolina Law Schools

The average tuition & fees of 6 North Carolina law schools are $47,699 for state residents and $55,109 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2024-2025. The average GPA of the schools is 3.62 and the average LSAT score is 160. The average acceptance rate is 29.58%.

Law Schools in North Carolina Comparison Table

The following table compares Law Schools in North Carolina with important law schools facts. All data is for the academic year 2023-2024, except bar exam passage data for 2022-2023.
School NameTuition & FeesAcceptance RateAverage GPAAverage LSATTotal EnrollmentEnrollment (First-Year Students)Bar Exam Pass Rate*
Duke University School of Law
private, Durham, NC
$75,618 10.51% 3.87 170 868 231 94.44%
Elon University School of Law
private, Greensboro, NC
$60,588 45.93% 3.43 153 445 166 59.35%
Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law
private, Raleigh, NC
$49,730 38.66% 3.48 155 560 180 81.88%
North Carolina Central University School of Law
public, Durham, NC
34.62% 3.35 149 430 122 56.59%
University of North Carolina School of Law
public, Chapel Hill, NC
16.27% 3.78 166 572 174 92.00%
Wake Forest University School of Law
private, Winston-Salem, NC
$54,192 31.47% 3.79 165 682 175 93.26%
*The pass rate is based on the first time bar exam takers.

Law Schools in North Carolina

Duke University School of Law

Duke University School of Law is located in Durham, NC, founded in 1904 and it has total 868 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Duke University School of Law is $75,618. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.87 and the average LSAT score is 170. The acceptance rate of Duke University School of Law is 10.51% and the yield is 35.43%.

Elon University School of Law

Elon University School of Law is located in Greensboro, NC, founded in 2006 and it has total 445 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at Elon University School of Law is $60,588. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.43 and the average LSAT score is 153. The acceptance rate of Elon University School of Law is 45.93% and the yield is 39.71%.

Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law

Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law (part of Campbell University) is located in Raleigh, NC, founded in 1976 and it has total 560 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law is $49,730. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.48 and the average LSAT score is 155. The acceptance rate of Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law is 38.66% and the yield is 48.65%.

North Carolina Central University School of Law

North Carolina Central University School of Law is located in Durham, NC, founded in 1940 and it has total 430 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at North Carolina Central University School of Law is $16,371 for North Carolina and $39,042 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.35 and the average LSAT score is 149. The acceptance rate of North Carolina Central University School of Law is 34.62% and the yield is 30.20%.

University of North Carolina School of Law

University of North Carolina School of Law is located in Chapel Hill, NC, founded in 1845 and it has total 572 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at University of North Carolina School of Law is $29,696 for North Carolina and $51,486 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.78 and the average LSAT score is 166. The acceptance rate of University of North Carolina School of Law is 16.27% and the yield is 37.99%.

Wake Forest University School of Law

Wake Forest University School of Law is located in Winston-Salem, NC, founded in 1894 and it has total 682 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Wake Forest University School of Law is $54,192. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.79 and the average LSAT score is 165. The acceptance rate of Wake Forest University School of Law is 31.47% and the yield is 26.28%.
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