Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans

Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, also known as LSU School of Medicine - New Orleans, is located in New Orleans, LA, founded in 1931. The tuition & fees for Medical Doctor M.D. program at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is $32,937 for Louisiana residents and $61,114 for others for the academic year 2023-2024.
Of the 3,891 applicants, 195 were matriculated, and the acceptance rate is 5.01% at LSU School of Medicine - New Orleans. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.73 and the average MCAT score is 510.

2024 Doctor of Medicine M.D. Degree Program Tuition & Fees

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree program tuition & fees of Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is $32,937 for Louisiana residents and $61,114 for others for the academic year 2023-2024. This cost is different from the costs of other undergraduate and graduate programs. For major programs other than medical school at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans, the average undergraduate tuition & fees is $10,376 for Louisiana residents and $18,851 for others. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $13,089 for Louisiana residents and $25,362 for others.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans 2024 Tuition & Fees
Louisiana ResidentsOut-of-State Students
Doctor of Medicine M.D. Degree Program$32,937$61,114
General College Costs
Undergraduate Program$10,376$18,851
Graduate Program$13,089$25,362

GPA and MCAT Scores

The average GPA from enrolled students at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is 3.73 and the average MCAT score is 510. Its GPA is higher than average GPA of Louisiana medical schools, but lower all medical schools.
The MCAT score of Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is higher than average MCAT of Louisiana medical schools, but lower all medical schools.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans Average GAP and MCAT scores
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New OrleansLouisiana Medical SchoolsAll Medical Schools
MCAT Scores510509.0512.1

Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2023-2024, total 3,891 students applied to LSU School of Medicine - New Orleans and 195 students have accepted and enrolled into the school. The acceptance rate is 5.01%.
521 applicants invited to interview and the interview invitation rate is 12.37%. (The interviewee data is based on 2022-2023 data.)
Of the 195 matriculants, 37.9% are male and 61.5% are female. By legal residency, 91.3% of matriculants are Louisiana residents and 8.7% are out-of-state residents.
LSU School of Medicine - New Orleans Admission Stats
Number of Students / Percentage
Interview Invited521
Enrolled (First-year Students)195
Acceptance Rate5.01%
Interview Invitation Rate12.37%
Total Enrollment822

Directory & Accreditation Information

Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans was founded in 1931. Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is located in Office of Student Admissions, 1901 Perdido Street, New Orleans, LA .
There are 822 students at medical school - 343 men and 478 women. Last year, 195 students have enrolled newly to Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans Directory Information
NameLouisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
AddressOffice of Student Admissions, 1901 Perdido Street, New Orleans, LA
School Webwww.lsuhsc.edu/
LCME Accreditation
Next Survey Year2025-26
Initial year of AccreditationOn or prior to 1942

Medical Schools in Louisiana
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