Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky 2024 Tuition Comparison

There are 5 Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky - all private schools.

At Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky, the undergraduate tuition & fees are $11,603. The graduate tuition & fees are $10,734 in average.

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has the highest tuition & fees of $13,086 and Clear Creek Baptist Bible College has the lowest tuition & fees of $10,120 among Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky.

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is the largest school with 4,266 students and Lexington Theological Seminary is the smallest school with 90 students among those schools.

Comparison between 5 Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky with key academic statistics

There are 5 Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky.

At Faith-related Colleges in Kentucky, the undergraduate tuition & fees are $11,603. The graduate tuition & fees are $10,734 in average.

The average acceptance rate of the schools is 96.89% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 62.50%. The average graduation rate is 39% and 1,270 students are attending to schools in average.

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