39 Maine Colleges Statistics by City

There are 39 colleges in Maine - 15 public and 24 private schools. The 2024 average undergraduate tuition of the Maine colleges is $10,678 for state residents and $33,396 for out-of-state students.

28 Maine cities have at least one college and, of them, Portland has the most of 4 colleges. It has Bangor and New Gloucester also has a number of colleges of 4 and 2 colleges respectively.

Maine Colleges by City

The following table shows the Maine colleges by city. The 2024 tuition & fees based on 4-year colleges' cost.

39 Maine Colleges by City
CityNumber of SchoolsUnder-graduate TuitionGraduate TuitionPopulationStudents to Faculty
Total4-yearCommunity CollegesTrade SchoolsTotalUnder.Graduate
Portland 43-1 $34,251
8,266 6,151 2,115 9 to 1
Bangor 4211 $32,250 $19,532 5,841 5,204 637 12 to 1
New Gloucester 22-- $11,960 $9,750 4,281 3,698 583 18 to 1
Augusta 21-1 $21,548
4,607 4,545 62 15 to 1
Lewiston 22-- $40,653 - 2,027 2,027 - 11 to 1
Waterville 22-- $48,748 $30,896 4,036 3,922 114 17 to 1
Presque Isle 211- $14,270
2,630 2,607 23 17 to 1
Auburn 1-1- - - 3,376 3,376 - 18 to 1
Wells 1-1- - - 1,625 1,625 - 18 to 1
Fairfield 1-1- - - 2,119 2,119 - 14 to 1
Rockport 11-- $52,665 - 43 11 32 2 to 1
Machias 11-- $17,670
- - - - -
Fort Kent 11-- $14,325
1,210 1,194 16 17 to 1
Harrison 1--1 - - - - - -
Castine 11-- $30,226
897 878 19 11 to 1
Biddeford 11-- $42,550 $32,175 6,434 3,718 2,716 12 to 1
Standish 11-- $42,834 $9,630 1,478 990 488 10 to 1
South Portland 1-1- - - 6,007 6,007 - 20 to 1
Brunswick 11-- $64,910 - 1,915 1,915 - 9 to 1
Calais 1-1- - - 505 505 - 8 to 1
Scarborough 1--1 - - 407 407 - 16 to 1
Arundel 1-1- - - 46 46 - 8 to 1
Wilton 11-- $42,305 - - - - -
Farmington 11-- $23,079
1,837 1,558 279 11 to 1
Unity 11-- $17,876 - - - - -
Orono 11-- $35,346
12,231 9,774 2,457 14 to 1
Bar Harbor 11-- $46,179 $30,969 380 377 3 10 to 1
Westbrook 1--1 - - 248 248 - 13 to 1
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