College of DuPage is the largest Illinois college with 21,939 students. The percentage of online students is 22.38% at the school.
William Rainey Harper College with 12,434 students and College of Lake County with 11,651 students are following it in the largetst Illinois college ranking.
For the largest college ranking, we exclude colleges with more than 50% of online students. Instead, you can check them at the largest Illinois online colleges.
College of DuPage stays at first place of the largest college ranking since last year. William Rainey Harper College ranked 2nd, up 1 place from 3rd last year.
The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $12,817 and graduate tuition & fees is - for the academic year 2023-2024.
For the largest college ranking, we exclude colleges with more than 50% online students. Instead, you can check largest online colleges at the largest online colleges.
School Name | Total Population | Undergraduate Enrollment | Graduation Enrollment | Men Enrollment | Women Enrollment | Online Enrollment | Students to Faculty Ratio | |
1 - | College of DuPage Glen Ellyn, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 21,939 1,090 | 21,939 | - | 10,044 | 11,895 | 4,910 | 20 to 1 |
2 1 | William Rainey Harper College Palatine, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 12,434 419 | 12,434 | - | 5,435 | 6,999 | 2,714 | 18 to 1 |
3 1 | College of Lake County Grayslake, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 11,651 466 | 11,651 | - | 5,037 | 6,614 | 3,901 | 15 to 1 |
4 1 | Moraine Valley Community College Palos Hills, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 10,511 67 | 10,511 | - | 5,184 | 5,327 | 1,593 | 18 to 1 |
5 1 | Joliet Junior College Joliet, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 10,212 1,339 | 10,212 | - | 4,480 | 5,732 | 2,243 | 15 to 1 |
6 2 | Elgin Community College Elgin, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 8,910 860 | 8,910 | - | 3,952 | 4,958 | 1,658 | 18 to 1 |
7 - | McHenry County College Crystal Lake, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 8,874 109 | 8,874 | - | 3,909 | 4,965 | 1,134 | 26 to 1 |
8 2 | Triton College River Grove, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 8,616 432 | 8,616 | - | 4,034 | 4,582 | 1,202 | 20 to 1 |
9 1 | Oakton College Des Plaines, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 7,645 212 | 7,645 | - | 3,479 | 4,166 | 2,078 | 13 to 1 |
10 2 | City Colleges of Chicago-Wilbur Wright College Chicago, ILPublic, 2-4 year | 7,508 272 | 7,508 | - | 3,343 | 4,165 | 2,003 | 29 to 1 |
Average | 10,830 | 10,830 | - | 4,890 | 5,940 | 2,344 | 19 to 1 |