Total 169,409 Students Enrolled in Puerto Rico Colleges

A total of 169,409 students are enrolled in Puerto Rico colleges including 4-year colleges, community colleges, and trade schools.

There are 144,498 undergraduate and 24,911 graduate students. The proportion of undergraduate students is 85.30% and the proportion of graduate students is 14.70%.

By school level, 154,323 students enrolled in 4-year colleges, 7,226 students enrolled in community colleges, and 7,860 students enrolled in trade schools.

For Puerto Rico colleges, NUC University has the most number of students of 26,720 among 4-year colleges. For Puerto Rico community colleges, Mech-Tech College has the most students of 2,220 and Century College is the largest trade school with 773.

Student Population By School Level for Puerto Rico Colleges

By attending status, there are 130,506 full-time students and 38,891 part-time students at Puerto Rico colleges.

The following table compares student population by school level between Puerto Rico colleges. A total of 169,409 students have enrolled in Puerto Rico colleges including both undergraduate and graduate programs.

Student Population By School Level between Puerto Rico Colleges
SchoolTotal EnrollmentUndergraduateGraduate
TotalFull-timePart-time TotalFull-timePart-time
Institute of Beauty CareersPrivate, Less than 2-year131131131----
American University of Puerto RicoPrivate, 4-year2232011703122517
American University of Puerto RicoPrivate, 4-year212201165361165
American Educational CollegePrivate, 2-4 year1411411374---
Antilles School of Technical CareersPrivate, 2-4 year397397397----
Universidad Adventista de las AntillasPrivate, 4-year83879668311342366
Atlantic UniversityPrivate, 4-year1,6531,577936641764927
Universidad Central de BayamonPrivate, 4-year7846114221891739182
Columbia Central University-CaguasPrivate, 4-year2,1651,88298789528319588
Albizu University-San JuanPrivate, 4-year2,4597035511521,7561,533223
Caribbean University-BayamonPrivate, 4-year8306485519718273109
Caribbean University-CarolinaPrivate, 4-year147131104271688
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-AreciboPrivate, 4-year64130824266333157176
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-PoncePrivate, 4-year5,7764,1393,5535861,6371,070567
CEM College-San JuanPrivate, 4-year21021014961---
Universidad Teologica del CaribePrivate, 4-year3812811471341004951
Colegio Universitario de San JuanPublic, 4-year596596433163---
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Cupey CampusPrivate, 4-year6,1204,7803,1431,6371,340934406
Puerto Rico Conservatory of MusicPublic, 4-year32629117411735287
Center for Advanced Studies On Puerto Rico and the CaribbeanPrivate, 4-year334---334205129
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San SebastianPrivate, 4-year959924385539352015
Emma's Beauty Academy-MayaguezPrivate, Less than 2-year235235235----
Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto RicoPublic, 4-year489489358131---
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de ManatiPublic, 2-4 year45245242428---
Huertas CollegePrivate, 4-year39139133655---
Humacao Community CollegePrivate, 4-year21421412688---
ICPR Junior College-AreciboPrivate, 2-4 year32632626066---
ICPR Junior College-MayaguezPrivate, 2-4 year34734725988---
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de GuayamaPublic, 2-4 year2472472407---
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San JuanPublic, 2-4 year16516512441---
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San GermanPrivate, 4-year3,2492,7472,358389502318184
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-AguadillaPrivate, 4-year3,1782,9682,40056821018624
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-AreciboPrivate, 4-year2,7052,4451,96647926020951
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-BarranquitasPrivate, 4-year1,0741,000798202745222
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-MetroPrivate, 4-year5,0013,2782,3619171,7231,221502
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-PoncePrivate, 4-year3,2672,7792,129650488258230
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-FajardoPrivate, 4-year1,3141,2119822291039112
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-GuayamaPrivate, 4-year1,6051,4881,2192691179423
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-BayamonPrivate, 4-year3,8203,7523,124628685018
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-School of LawPrivate, 4-year656---656320336
Liceo de Arte y TecnologiaPrivate, 2-4 year944944944----
Modern Hairstyling Institute-BayamonPrivate, Less than 2-year17117112843---
Modern Hairstyling Institute-AreciboPrivate, Less than 2-year66665412---
NUC UniversityPrivate, 4-year26,72025,40017,6067,7941,320568752
Ponce Health Sciences UniversityPrivate, 4-year820---8208137
University of Puerto Rico-AguadillaPublic, 4-year1,9851,9851,777208---
University of Puerto Rico-AreciboPublic, 4-year2,8972,8972,666231---
University of Puerto Rico-BayamonPublic, 4-year3,0223,0222,578444---
University of Puerto Rico-CarolinaPublic, 4-year2,2702,2701,758512---
University of Puerto Rico at CayeyPublic, 4-year2,2162,2161,975241---
University of Puerto Rico-HumacaoPublic, 4-year2,6342,6342,362272---
University of Puerto Rico-UtuadoPublic, 4-year34634630541---
University of Puerto Rico-MayaguezPublic, 4-year11,06210,2019,0171,18486178279
University of Puerto Rico-Medical SciencesPublic, 4-year2,034264245191,7701,68189
University of Puerto Rico at PoncePublic, 4-year2,2212,2212,021200---
University of Puerto Rico-Rio PiedrasPublic, 4-year12,0379,2128,0701,1422,8252,108717
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina CampusPrivate, 4-year5,5584,6513,0901,561907676231
Universidad del Sagrado CorazonPrivate, 4-year4,2243,7313,04568649384409
Seminario Evangelico de Puerto RicoPrivate, 4-year128---1287157
Universidad Central Del CaribePrivate, 4-year5221128626410410-
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto RicoPrivate, 4-year4,2443,6651,6552,010579335244
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-MayaguezPrivate, 4-year725659556103663531
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Gurabo CampusPrivate, 4-year10,1337,9235,6872,2362,2101,650560
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San JuanPrivate, 4-year1,3021,207561646956926
ICPR Junior CollegePrivate, 2-4 year466466363103---
Caribbean University-PoncePrivate, 4-year5064053001051013863
Caribbean University-Vega BajaPrivate, 4-year1591411122918711
CEM College-HumacaoPrivate, 4-year18518515530---
Colegio Mayor de Tecnologia IncPrivate, Less than 2-year606060----
Institucion Chaviano de MayaguezPrivate, Less than 2-year111111111----
Liceo de Arte-Dise-O y ComercioPrivate, Less than 2-year196196196----
Universal Technology College of Puerto RicoPrivate, 4-year1851851805---
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-School of OptometryPrivate, 4-year216---2162133
Emma's Beauty Academy-Juana DiazPrivate, Less than 2-year313313313----
Professional Technical InstitutionPrivate, Less than 2-year175175175----
Mech-Tech CollegePrivate, 2-4 year2,2202,2202,004216---
D'Mart InstitutePrivate, Less than 2-year37137129675---
Automeca Technical College-AguadillaPrivate, Less than 2-year275275275----
Automeca Technical College-BayamonPrivate, Less than 2-year452452452----
Automeca Technical College-CaguasPrivate, Less than 2-year129129129----
Automeca Technical College-PoncePrivate, Less than 2-year249249249----
Escuela de Peritos Electricistas de Isabela IncPrivate, Less than 2-year777777----
Academia Serrant IncPrivate, Less than 2-year190190190----
Advantage Technical CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year543543543----
Nova College de Puerto RicoPrivate, 2-4 year141141141----
San Juan Bautista School of MedicinePrivate, 4-year4077373-334334-
Colegio de Cinematograf?a Artes y TelevisionPrivate, 2-4 year618618444174---
Escuela Tecnica de ElectricidadPrivate, Less than 2-year138138138----
Dewey University-CarolinaPrivate, 4-year363363206157---
Century CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year773773773----
Modern Hairstyling Institute-CarolinaPrivate, Less than 2-year19019014842---
IVAEM CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year535353----
Atenas CollegePrivate, 4-year505505297208---
Universidad Pentecostal MizpaPrivate, 4-year152140518912111
Caribbean Forensic and Technical CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year267267267----
Colegio Educativo Tecnologico Industrial IncPrivate, Less than 2-year464646----
Dewey University-Hato ReyPrivate, 4-year44227914713216315112
Charlie's Guard-Detective Bureau and Academy IncPrivate, Less than 2-year454545----
Bayamon Community CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year190190190----
Cambridge Technical InstitutePrivate, Less than 2-year1212-----
Escuela Hotelera de San JuanPrivate, Less than 2-year375375375----
Industrial Technical CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year142142142----
Leston CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year585858----
Colegio Tecnico de Electricidad GallozaPrivate, Less than 2-year111111----
Rosslyn Training Academy of CosmetologyPrivate, Less than 2-year555----
MyrAngel Beauty InstitutePrivate, Less than 2-year209209209----
Dewey University-Juana D?azPrivate, 4-year22722115269633
Instituto Educativo PremierPrivate, Less than 2-year282282282----
Escuela De Troqueleria Y HerramentajePublic, 2-4 year626262----
ICPR Junior CollegePrivate, 2-4 year42642636066---
American Technical InstitutePrivate, Less than 2-year131313----
Dewey University-ManatiPrivate, 4-year292292182110---
PPG Technical CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year115115115----
Caribbean Aviation Training Institute IncPrivate, Less than 2-year2002001982---
Neo-Esthetique European InstitutePrivate, Less than 2-year162162162----
EDP University of Puerto Rico-VillalbaPrivate, 4-year22622679147---
Ponce Health Sciences University-Centro Universitario de San JuanPrivate, 4-year208---2082035
Advantage Technical CollegePrivate, Less than 2-year499499499----
Professional University Dr. Carlos J. Borrero RiosPrivate, 4-year16233-1596990
EDP University of Puerto Rico-HumacaoPrivate, 4-year24324380163---
EDP University of Puerto Rico-ManatiPrivate, 4-year448448147301---
Ponce Health Sciences University-EastPrivate, 4-year6804646-63461816
NUC University - AreciboPrivate, 4-year-------
NUC University - Rio GrandePrivate, 4-year-------
NUC University - PoncePrivate, 4-year-------
NUC University - CaguasPrivate, 4-year-------
NUC University - MayaguezPrivate, 4-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - PoncePrivate, 2-4 year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - MayaguezPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - GuayamaPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - FajardoPrivate, 2-4 year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - ManatiPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Los ColobosPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - MocaPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - AguadillaPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - CaguasPrivate, 2-4 year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - AreciboPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - EscorialPrivate, 2-4 year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - BayamonPrivate, 2-4 year-------
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - YaucoPrivate, Less than 2-year-------
Leston College -Private, Less than 2-year-------
Advantage Technical College-AguadillaPrivate, Less than 2-year331331331----
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of Education-PRAMIPublic, 2-4 year274274274----
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