For the last 5 years, on average, 13 (72.25 % of students) received grants or scholarships and its average amount is $4,268. It can cover 34.15% of tuition & fees ($12,500).
In addition, 9 (50.00 % of students) students get helped from the students loans (average amount : $6,715).
Year |
Grants or Scholarships* | Student Loans |
Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 13 (76%) | $3,407 | 11 (65%) | $6,782 |
2014-15 | 17 (74%) | $3,572 | 12 (52%) | $5,760 |
2015-16 | 12 (75%) | $4,939 | 11 (69%) | $7,266 |
2016-17 | 9 (64%) | $5,155 | 2 (14%) | $7,050 |
Average | 13 (72.25%) | $4,268 | 9 (50.00%) | $6,715 |
The following table shows the trends of grants or scholarships over time. For the last 5 years, on average, 13 (70.75 % of students) received Pell (federal) grants and its average amount is $4,346.
Year |
Federal (Pell) Grants | Other Federal |
State/Local government | Institutional |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 13 (76%) | $3,407 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2014-15 | 17 (74%) | $3,572 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2015-16 | 11 (69%) | $5,251 | - | - | - | - | 1 (6%) | $1,500 |
2016-17 | 9 (64%) | $5,155 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Average | 13 (70.75%) | $4,346 | - | - | - | - | 1 (6.00%) | $1,500 |
The following table describes number of students and average amount of loans by loan type. The following table shows the trends of grants or scholarships over time.
For the last 5 years, on average, 9 (50.00 % of students) get any students loan help and its average loan amount is $9.
Year | Total | Federal student loans | Other student loans |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 11 (65%) | $6,782 | 11 (65%) | $6,782 | - | - |
2014-15 | 12 (52%) | $5,760 | 12 (52%) | $5,760 | - | - |
2015-16 | 11 (69%) | $7,266 | 11 (69%) | $7,266 | - | - |
2016-17 | 2 (14%) | $7,050 | 2 (14%) | $7,050 | - | - |
Average | 9 (50.00%) | $6,715 | 9 (50.00%) | $6,715 | - | - |