For the last 9 years, on average, 45 (96.88 % of students) received grants or scholarships and its average amount is $4,546. It can cover 41.10% of tuition & fees ($11,060).
Year |
Grants or Scholarships* | Student Loans |
Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 36 (100%) | $4,354 | - | - |
2014-15 | 69 (86%) | $5,161 | - | - |
2015-16 | 51 (89%) | $4,185 | - | - |
2016-17 | 47 (100%) | $4,107 | - | - |
2017-18 | 53 (100%) | $4,096 | - | - |
2018-19 | 40 (100%) | $4,248 | - | - |
2019-20 | 24 (100%) | $5,250 | - | - |
2020-21 | 36 (100%) | $4,968 | - | - |
Average | 45 (96.88%) | $4,546 | - | - |
The following table shows the trends of grants or scholarships over time. For the last 9 years, on average, 44 (96.63 % of students) received Pell (federal) grants and its average amount is $4,369.
In addition, 19 students received State/local government grants/scholarships (33.25 % of students).
Year |
Federal (Pell) Grants | Other Federal |
State/Local government | Institutional |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 36 (100%) | $4,121 | 13 (36%) | $287 | 17 (47%) | $273 | - | - |
2014-15 | 69 (86%) | $4,960 | 30 (38%) | $268 | 38 (48%) | $153 | - | - |
2015-16 | 51 (89%) | $3,939 | 32 (56%) | $245 | - | - | 39 (68%) | $120 |
2016-17 | 47 (100%) | $3,947 | 28 (60%) | $207 | 7 (15%) | $243 | - | - |
2017-18 | 53 (100%) | $3,728 | 30 (57%) | $410 | 12 (23%) | $600 | - | - |
2018-19 | 39 (98%) | $4,210 | 14 (35%) | $409 | - | - | - | - |
2019-20 | 24 (100%) | $5,110 | 9 (38%) | $374 | - | - | - | - |
2020-21 | 36 (100%) | $4,934 | 2 (6%) | $600 | - | - | - | - |
Average | 44 (96.63%) | $4,369 | 20 (40.75%) | $350 | 19 (33.25%) | $317 | 39 (68.00%) | $120 |