For the last 11 years, on average, 50 (77.20 % of students) received grants or scholarships and its average amount is $6,263. It can cover 157.80% of tuition & fees ($3,969) based on out-of-state rate.
Year |
Grants or Scholarships* | Student Loans |
Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent**) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 79 (100%) | $5,110 | - | - |
2014-15 | 52 (76%) | $4,314 | - | - |
2015-16 | 60 (74%) | $5,287 | - | - |
2016-17 | 45 (71%) | $6,523 | - | - |
2017-18 | 40 (77%) | $6,050 | - | - |
2018-19 | 52 (71%) | $5,129 | - | - |
2019-20 | 53 (84%) | $5,859 | - | - |
2020-21 | 12 (19%) | $8,254 | - | - |
2021-22 | 50 (100%) | $8,022 | - | - |
2022-23 | 59 (100%) | $8,084 | - | - |
Average | 50 (77.20%) | $6,263 | - | - |
The following table shows the trends of grants or scholarships over time. For the last 11 years, on average, 43 (65.40 % of students) received Pell (federal) grants and its average amount is $4,261.
In addition, 20 students received State/local government grants/scholarships (31.30 % of students).
Year |
Federal (Pell) Grants | Other Federal |
State/Local government | Institutional |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
Number Received (percent) | Average Amount | Number Received (percent) | Average Amount |
2013-14 | 74 (94%) | $4,267 | 5 (6%) | $767 | 26 (33%) | $2,676 | 10 (13%) | $1,451 |
2014-15 | 50 (74%) | $3,366 | 1 (1%) | $1,358 | 19 (28%) | $2,375 | 38 (56%) | $251 |
2015-16 | 55 (68%) | $3,953 | 5 (6%) | $1,000 | 29 (36%) | $2,846 | 16 (20%) | $765 |
2016-17 | 45 (71%) | $4,391 | 6 (10%) | $2,292 | 23 (37%) | $2,877 | 13 (21%) | $1,232 |
2017-18 | 37 (71%) | $4,507 | 4 (8%) | $917 | 15 (29%) | $3,121 | 12 (23%) | $2,064 |
2018-19 | 47 (64%) | $4,237 | 4 (5%) | $500 | 17 (23%) | $2,645 | 12 (16%) | $1,717 |
2019-20 | 43 (68%) | $4,103 | 39 (62%) | $560 | 19 (30%) | $3,334 | 29 (46%) | $1,687 |
2020-21 | 12 (19%) | $4,460 | 6 (10%) | $667 | 5 (8%) | $4,839 | 12 (19%) | $1,444 |
2021-22 | 32 (64%) | $4,521 | 50 (100%) | $1,672 | 24 (48%) | $3,674 | 49 (98%) | $1,728 |
2022-23 | 36 (61%) | $4,802 | 59 (100%) | $2,106 | 24 (41%) | $3,026 | 59 (100%) | $1,817 |
Average | 43 (65.40%) | $4,261 | 18 (30.80%) | $1,184 | 20 (31.30%) | $3,141 | 25 (41.20%) | $1,416 |