Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges SAT score Comparison

The median SAT score of Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges is 1356 for 2023-2024 admission. A total of 33,407 students which is 48.75% of enrolled students, submitted SAT score at Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges.

Cornell University had the highest SAT score of 1520 and Iowa State University had the lowest SAT score of 1240 among Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges.

By SAT subject, the median EBRW score is 670 and the median SAT Math score is 686 at Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges =. For reference, the median ACT (Composite) score is 30 at the schools.

Table. Best Biological / Agricultural Engineering Colleges Acceptance Rates and Admission Comparison
RankSchool SAT MedianSAT EBRW MedianSAT Math MedianACT Composite Median
1Purdue University-Main CampusWest Lafayette, IN132065067031
2Texas A & M University-College StationCollege Station, TX126063063028
3University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignChampaign, IL141069072032
4Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY152074078034
5Iowa State UniversityAmes, IA124062062024
6University of FloridaGainesville, FL139069070031
7University of California-DavisDavis, CA----
8Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityBlacksburg, VA133066067030
9North Carolina State University at RaleighRaleigh, NC138068070030