Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges Student Population

A total of 112,316 students enroll in Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges. By gender, of the total student body, 40.10% are male (45,036) and 59.23% are female (66,527).

The average student population of Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges is 14,040. Temple University is the largest with 33,196 students, and The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago is the smallest with 753 students among Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges.

There are 73,207 undergraduate students in Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges, 65.18% of the student body. Graduate students account for 34.82% of the total students.

Of the Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges, Temple University has the most number of undergraduate students of 24,106, and Georgetown University has the most number of graduate students of 13,084.

Table. Best Graduate Trial Advocacy Colleges Student Population Comparison
RankSchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
1Stetson UniversityDeLand, FL3,9281,6992,2292,5611,3675242
2Temple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA33,19614,23218,96424,1069,0901,0441,568
3Baylor UniversityWaco, TX20,7098,04512,66415,2135,4962122,708
4Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC20,9849,46911,5157,90013,0843723,186
5The Illinois Institute of Art-ChicagoChicago, IL753--753---
6Loyola Marymount UniversityLos Angeles, CA10,1654,4865,6797,2992,8667628
7Samford UniversityBirmingham, AL5,6821,8243,8583,6722,01011207
8Loyola University ChicagoChicago, IL16,8995,28111,61811,7035,1962201,995