Best Law Librarianship Colleges Student Population

A total of 141,376 students enroll in Best Law Librarianship Colleges. By gender, of the total student body, 44.41% are male (62,791) and 55.59% are female (78,585).

The average student population of Best Law Librarianship Colleges is 35,344. The University of Texas at Austin is the largest with 52,384 students, and The Catholic University of America is the smallest with 4,968 students among Best Law Librarianship Colleges.

There are 100,562 undergraduate students in Best Law Librarianship Colleges, 71.13% of the student body. Graduate students account for 28.87% of the total students.

Of the Best Law Librarianship Colleges, The University of Texas at Austin has the most number of undergraduate students of 41,309, and University of Washington-Seattle Campus has the most number of graduate students of 16,106.

Table. Best Law Librarianship Colleges Student Population Comparison
RankSchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
1University of Washington-Seattle CampusSeattle, WA52,31924,83127,48836,21316,106440767
2The University of Texas at AustinAustin, TX52,38423,09929,28541,30911,07534134
3The Catholic University of AmericaWashington, DC4,9682,2672,7013,0111,95734358
4University of North Carolina at Chapel HillChapel Hill, NC31,70512,59419,11120,02911,676381,880