Medical Colleges Student Population

A total of 265,687 students enroll in Medical Colleges. By gender, of the total student body, 47.32% are male (125,717) and 52.68% are female (139,970).

The average student population of Medical Colleges is 24,153. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is the largest with 51,225 students, and University of California-San Francisco is the smallest with 3,140 students among Medical Colleges.

There are 105,320 undergraduate students in Medical Colleges, 39.64% of the student body. Graduate students account for 60.36% of the total students.

Of the Medical Colleges, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor has the most number of undergraduate students of 32,695, and Columbia University in the City of New York has the most number of graduate students of 25,880.

Table. Medical Colleges Student Population Comparison
SchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA30,63114,20716,4249,36821,2631,3125,611
Stanford UniversityStanford, CA18,2839,6508,6338,04910,234288-
Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD31,27514,47416,8016,04425,23140313,621
University of California-San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA3,1401,1192,021-3,140-21
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA28,20112,36615,83511,25016,9515702,163
Washington University in St LouisSaint Louis, MO17,0127,9699,0438,1328,880350430
Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT14,7766,9577,8196,6458,131-74
Columbia University in the City of New YorkNew York, NY34,78216,15018,6328,90225,880251,086
Duke UniversityDurham, NC18,0238,1619,8626,64011,3832948
University of ChicagoChicago, IL18,3399,9258,4147,59510,744-28
University of Michigan-Ann ArborAnn Arbor, MI51,22524,73926,48632,69518,530311,494