Top Colleges in Montana SAT score Comparison

The median SAT score of Top Colleges in Montana is 1160 for 2023-2024 admission. A total of 916 students which is 13.00% of enrolled students, submitted SAT score at Top Colleges in Montana.

Montana State University had the highest SAT score of 1160 and Montana State University had the lowest SAT score of 1160 among Top Colleges in Montana.

By SAT subject, the median EBRW score is 590 and the median SAT Math score is 570 at Top Colleges in Montana =. For reference, the median ACT (Composite) score is 24 at the schools.

Table. Top Colleges in Montana Acceptance Rates and Admission Comparison
RankSchool SAT MedianSAT EBRW MedianSAT Math MedianACT Composite Median
1Montana State UniversityBozeman, MT116059057023
2The University of MontanaMissoula, MT---24
3Montana State University BillingsBillings, MT----