Patriot League Student Population

A total of 84,814 students enroll in Patriot League. By gender, of the total student body, 46.51% are male (39,443) and 53.49% are female (45,371).

The average student population of Patriot League is 8,481. Boston University is the largest with 36,714 students, and Lafayette College is the smallest with 2,729 students among Patriot League.

There are 57,509 undergraduate students in Patriot League, 67.81% of the student body. Graduate students account for 32.19% of the total students.

Of the Patriot League, Boston University has the largest undergraduate and graduate schools with 18,459 undergraduate and 18,255 graduate schools.

Table. Patriot League Student Population Comparison
SchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
American UniversityWashington, DC13,8855,1058,7807,9175,968451,471
United States Military AcademyWest Point, NY4,3933,3949994,393---
Boston UniversityBoston, MA36,71415,64621,06818,45918,255983,946
Bucknell UniversityLewisburg, PA3,7871,8131,9743,74740--
Colgate UniversityHamilton, NY3,1411,3941,7473,13011--
College of the Holy CrossWorcester, MA3,0831,3831,7003,083---
Lafayette CollegeEaston, PA2,7291,3641,3652,729---
Lehigh UniversityBethlehem, PA7,3943,9943,4005,6241,7702429
Loyola University MarylandBaltimore, MD5,2382,1663,0723,9771,2616598
United States Naval AcademyAnnapolis, MD4,4503,1841,2664,450---