SUNY - University Colleges Student Population

A total of 67,112 students enroll in SUNY - University Colleges. By gender, of the total student body, 38.84% are male (26,065) and 61.16% are female (41,047).

The average student population of SUNY - University Colleges is 5,593. Empire State University is the largest with 9,407 students, and SUNY College at Potsdam is the smallest with 2,427 students among SUNY - University Colleges.

There are 58,590 undergraduate students in SUNY - University Colleges, 87.30% of the student body. Graduate students account for 12.70% of the total students.

Of the SUNY - University Colleges, Empire State University has the largest undergraduate and graduate schools with 7,735 undergraduate and 1,672 graduate schools.

Table. SUNY - University Colleges Student Population Comparison
SchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
SUNY Buffalo State UniversityBuffalo, NY6,4452,6373,8085,464981142227
State University of New York at New PaltzNew Paltz, NY6,9642,4174,5476,090874154154
Empire State UniversitySaratoga Springs, NY9,4073,1486,2597,7351,6724,0661,632
SUNY College at PotsdamPotsdam, NY2,4278931,5342,08234522238
SUNY College at GeneseoGeneseo, NY4,1841,4742,7104,110741516
State University of New York at OswegoOswego, NY6,9063,2123,6945,985921602525
State University of New York at CortlandCortland, NY6,6902,9373,7535,99369731412
SUNY OneontaOneonta, NY5,4302,0013,4294,85957123476
SUNY at FredoniaFredonia, NY3,4911,3992,0923,21227922127
SUNY College at PlattsburghPlattsburgh, NY4,4741,6962,7784,004470575215
SUNY BrockportBrockport, NY6,4242,4933,9315,1491,275459680
SUNY Old WestburyOld Westbury, NY4,2701,7582,5123,90736328060