Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges Student Population

A total of 214,717 students enroll in Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges. By gender, of the total student body, 49.34% are male (105,949) and 50.66% are female (108,768).

The average student population of Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges is 42,943. Ohio State University-Main Campus is the largest with 60,540 students, and Oklahoma State University-Main Campus is the smallest with 25,372 students among Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges.

There are 169,802 undergraduate students in Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges, 79.08% of the student body. Graduate students account for 20.92% of the total students.

Of the Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges, Ohio State University-Main Campus has the largest undergraduate and graduate schools with 46,123 undergraduate and 14,417 graduate schools.

Table. Best Graduate Technical / Vocational Education Colleges Student Population Comparison
RankSchoolTotalBy GenderBy LevelOnline Enrollment
1Pennsylvania State University-Main CampusUniversity Park, PA50,02826,39023,63841,7458,2836650
2University of GeorgiaAthens, GA40,60716,64123,96630,7149,8931061,060
3Ohio State University-Main CampusColumbus, OH60,54029,01231,52846,12314,4171,6572,178
4Oklahoma State University-Main CampusStillwater, OK25,37212,21913,15320,7864,5861,8891,101
5Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityBlacksburg, VA38,17021,68716,48330,4347,7361801,445