15 Colleges near Nampa, Idaho

There are 4 colleges located in Nampa, Idaho. In addition, there are 11 schools near the city within 30 miles. By school types, there are 2 public and 13 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $16,591 for Idaho residents and $20,540 for out-of-state students. For graduate programs, the tuition & fees are $12,403 for Idaho residents and $20,408 for out-of-state students.

The average acceptance rate of the schools is 72.64% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 23.51%. The average graduation rate is 62% and total 41,202 students enrolled in the schools. Among enrolled students, 7,842 students enrolled online exclusively in colleges near Nampa, Idaho.

15 Colleges Comparison Near Nampa

The following table lists and compares 15 Colleges near Nampa, Idaho with tuition and important academic facts. You can sort the table by touching/clicking a column title that you want to sort.

Tuition & Key Stats Comparison between Colleges near Nampa, Idaho
School NameCity (distance from city center)Undergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesAcceptance RateGraduation RateStudent To faculty RatioStudent Population
The Salon Professional Academy-Nampaprivate (for-profit) Nampa
(1.2 miles)
$18,920 -- 75% 15 to 1 88
Northwest Nazarene Universityprivate (not-for-profit) Nampa
(1.5 miles)
$40,895 $11,40862.95% 58% 13 to 1 1,778
Paul Mitchell the School-Nampaprivate (for-profit) Nampa
(2.6 miles)
$19,348 -- 65% 15 to 1 103
College of Western Idahopublic Nampa
(3.5 miles)
-- 26% 19 to 1 9,920
The College of Idahoprivate (not-for-profit) Caldwell
(7.4 miles)
$36,030 $22,97547.22% 59% 10 to 1 1,082
Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicineprivate (for-profit) Meridian
(9.4 miles)
- -- - - 619
Aveda Institute-Boiseprivate (for-profit) Boise
(12.9 miles)
$9,752 -- 100% 12 to 1 94
Eagle Gate College-Boise Campusprivate (for-profit) Boise
(13.3 miles)
$18,645 $18,645- - 25 to 1 355
Milan Institute-Boiseprivate (for-profit) Boise
(13.4 miles)
$14,756 -- 67% 5 to 1 27
Paul Mitchell the School-Boiseprivate (for-profit) Boise
(13.9 miles)
$20,340 -- 66% 14 to 1 186
Boise Barber Collegeprivate (for-profit) Boise
(14.3 miles)
$11,100 -- 44% 10 to 1 82
Boise Bible Collegeprivate (not-for-profit) Boise
(14.5 miles)
$11,240 -96.43% 46% 11 to 1 96
Oliver Finley Academy of Cosmetologyprivate (for-profit) Boise
(15.2 miles)
$21,100 -- 83% 16 to 1 254
Carrington College-Boiseprivate (for-profit) Boise
(15.3 miles)
$31,116 -- 62% 13 to 1 403
Boise State Universitypublic Boise
(18.1 miles)
83.96% 59% 20 to 1 26,115