2 Colleges near Bennington, Vermont

There are 2 colleges located in Bennington, Vermont. By school types, all schools are private. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $38,348 for Vermont residents and $45,078 for out-of-state students. For graduate programs, the tuition & fees are $23,300 for Vermont residents and $24,617 for out-of-state students.

The average acceptance rate of the schools is 48.04% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 15.92%. The average graduation rate is 67% and total 1,231 students enrolled in the schools. Among enrolled students, 118 students enrolled online exclusively in colleges near Bennington, Vermont.

2 Colleges Comparison Near Bennington

The following table lists and compares 2 Colleges near Bennington, Vermont with tuition and important academic facts. You can sort the table by touching/clicking a column title that you want to sort.

Tuition & Key Stats Comparison between Colleges near Bennington, Vermont
School NameCity (distance from city center)Undergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesAcceptance RateGraduation RateStudent To faculty RatioStudent Population
Bennington Collegeprivate (not-for-profit) Bennington $64,644 $24,61748.04% 67% 9 to 1 880
Southern Vermont Collegeprivate (not-for-profit) Bennington $25,511 -- - 10 to 1 351