For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts is 34,635. The proportion of undergraduate students is 77.37% (26,797 students) and graduate students's proportion is 22.63% (7,838 graduate students).
University of Massachusetts-Amherst has the most students of 32,229 among Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts . By gender, the male-female ratio at Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts is 48.49% (16,796 male students) to 51.51% (17,839 female students).
You may want to check the 5-year enrollment changes of Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts .
Student Population Comparison between Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts
3 schools are matched for your search.
Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts Student Population Comparison Table |
School Name | Total | Undergraduate |
Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
Amherst CollegeAmherst, MA | 1,898 |
1,898 (100.00%) |
- |
917 (48.31%) |
981 (51.69%) |
Hampshire CollegeAmherst, MA | 508 |
508 (100.00%) |
- |
190 (37.40%) |
318 (62.60%) |
University of Massachusetts-AmherstAmherst, MA | 32,229 |
24,391 (75.68%) |
7,838 (24.32%) |
15,689 (48.68%) |
16,540 (51.32%) |
| Average | 11,545 | 8,932 (77.37%) | 7,838 (22.63%) | 5,599 (48.49%) | 5,946 (51.51%) |
Largest Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts
Largest Undergraduate Schools
Largest Graduate Schools