For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition & fees of Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts is $12,788 for in-state and $24,623 for out-of-state students. In Massachusetts private colleges, the 2024 average tuition & fees is $46,146.
Compared to last year's tuition in Massachusetts, in-state tuition has increased by 2.38% and out-of-state tuition has increased by 1.92%. The private schools' tuition increased by 3.91%. You can check out the 5-year tuition inflation of Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts .
Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts ' tuition & fees is higher than 2024 national average, which is $8,884 for in-state and $25,111 for out-of-state students.
This page compares tuition of 4-year colleges in Massachusetts, and other level of colleges can be compared at:
Massachusetts Community Colleges
Massachusetts Trade Schools
Amherst College has the most expensive tuition & fees of $67,280 and University of Massachusetts-Amherst has the lowest tuition & fees of $39,293 among Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts .
The average itemized college cost for Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts is as follows:
- Tuition & fees is $12,788 for in-state and $24,623 for out-of-state students.
- Massachusetts private schools' tuition is $46,146.
- Cost per credit hour is $691 for state residents and $1,605 for out-of-state.
- Books & supplies cost is $1,000.
- Living cost is $15,861 (on-campus), $16,050 (off-campus).
2024 Tuition, fees, and Living Costs Comparison for Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts
3 schools are matched for your search.
2024 Tuition Comparison Between Colleges in Amherst, Massachusetts | School Name | Tuition & Fees | Cost Per Credit Hour | Books & Supplies | Living Costs |
In-State | Out-of-State | In-State | Out-of-State |
On Campus | Off Campus |
Amherst CollegeAmherst, MA | $67,280 |
| - |
| $1,000 |
$17,560 |
$17,560 |
Hampshire CollegeAmherst, MA | $56,630 |
| - |
| $1,000 |
$15,154 |
$15,154 |
University of Massachusetts-AmherstAmherst, MA | $17,357 |
$39,293 | $691 |
$1,605 | $1,000 |
$14,869 |
$15,437 |
| Average | $17,357 | $54,401 | $691 | $1,605 | $1,000 | $15,861 | $16,050 |
*The tuition data is updated with the academic year 2023-2024 data from IPEDS.