For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition & fees of Colleges in Richardson, Texas is $25,874. Compared to last year's tuition, the 2024 tuition & fees of Colleges in Richardson, Texas is increased by 10.75%.
Over the past 5 years, the tuition & fees of Colleges in Richardson, Texas has increased by 33.76% from $19,344 to $25,874.
You can check 2024 tuition & fees along with living costs and other college expenses at Colleges in Richardson, Texas tuition comparison table.
Comparison Table of Tuition Changes for Colleges in Richardson, Texas
3 schools are matched for your search.
Tuition Inflation from 2019 to 2024 at Colleges in Richardson, Texas | School Name | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 5-Year Inflation Rate |
The University of Texas at DallasRichardson, TX | $38,168 | $38,970 2.10% | $39,776 2.07% | $39,776 | $40,064 0.72% | 4.97% |
West Coast University-DallasRichardson, TX | $19,865 | $18,300 7.88% | $17,173 6.16% | $17,090 0.48% | $16,715 2.19% | 15.86% |
The Chicago School at DallasRichardson, TX | - | - | - | $13,224 | $20,844 57.62% | 57.62% |
| Average | $19,344 | $19,090 1.31% | $18,983 0.56% | $23,363 23.08% | $25,874 10.75% | 33.76% |
*The tuition data is updated with the academic year 2023-2024 data from IPEDS