For the academic year 2022-2023, the total student population of Uidaho vs Ewu is 22,417. The proportion of undergraduate students is 73.22% (16,413 students) and graduate students's proportion is 26.78% (6,004 graduate students).
University of Idaho has the most students of 11,507 among Uidaho vs Ewu. By gender, the male-female ratio at Uidaho vs Ewu is 44.51% (9,977 male students) to 55.49% (12,440 female students).
Student Population Comparison
2 schools are matched for your search.
Student Population Comparison Table |
School Name | Total | Undergraduate |
Graduate | Male Students | Female Students |
Eastern Washington UniversityCheney, WA | 10,910 |
7,604 (69.70%) |
3,306 (30.30%) |
4,306 (39.47%) |
6,604 (60.53%) |
University of IdahoMoscow, ID | 11,507 |
8,809 (76.55%) |
2,698 (23.45%) |
5,671 (49.28%) |
5,836 (50.72%) |
| Average | 11,209 | 8,207 (73.22%) | 3,002 (26.78%) | 4,989 (44.51%) | 6,220 (55.49%) |