For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition & fees of Cleveland State vs Onu is $12,613 for in-state and $27,787 for out-of-state.
2024 Tuition, fees, and Living Costs Comparison Cleveland State vs Onu
2 schools are matched for your search.
2024 Tuition Comparison Between Cleveland State vs Onu | School Name | Tuition & Fees | Cost Per Credit Hour | Books & Supplies | Living Costs |
In-State | Out-of-State | In-State | Out-of-State |
On Campus | Off Campus |
Cleveland State UniversityCleveland, OH | $12,613 |
$17,973 | $521 |
$744 | $900 |
$14,760 |
$14,920 |
Ohio Northern UniversityAda, OH | $37,600 |
| $1,520 |
| $1,200 |
$13,200 |
$10,278 |
| Average | $12,613 | $27,787 | $521 | $1,132 | $1,050 | $13,980 | $12,599 |
*The tuition data is updated with the academic year 2023-2024 data from IPEDS.