For the academic year 2023-2024, Nicolet Area Technical's tuition & fees is $4,724 for state residents and $6,917 for out-of-state students. Nicolet Area Technical's tuition is comparable to similar schools. The average tuition of the schools is $4,682 for in-state and $6,823 for out-of-state students.
The average tuition of similar schools to Nicolet Area Technical is lower than community colleges' average, which is $4,992 for in-state and $14,143 for out-of-state students in 2024.
Milwaukee Area Technical College has the most expensive tuition & fees of $7,210 and Northcentral Technical College has the lowest tuition & fees of $5,615 among the schools.
The average itemized cost for schools similar to Nicolet Area Technical is as follows:
- Undergraduate tuition & Fees is $4,682 for state residents and $6,823 for out-of-state.
- Cost per credit hour is $147 for state residents and $220 for out-of-state.
- Books & supplies cost is $2,090.
- Living cost is $7,804 (on-campus), $9,263 (off-campus).
Tuition Comparison Table: Nicolet Area Technical and its Similar Schools
The following table compares 2024 tuition, fees, and other colleges expenses between Nicolet Area Technical and similar schools to it. You can compare these schools on a variety of aspects at college comparison page.
2024 Tuition Comparison Between Similar Schools To Nicolet Area Technical CollegeSchool Name | Tuition & Fees | Cost Per Credit Hour | Books & Supplies | Living Costs |
In-State | Out-of-State | In-State | Out-of-State |
On Campus | Off Campus |
Fox Valley Technical CollegeAppleton, WI | $4,916 |
$7,109 | $143 |
$215 | $2,062 |
- |
$9,614 |
Gateway Technical CollegeKenosha, WI | $4,853 |
$7,046 | $146 |
$219 | $2,061 |
- |
$9,614 |
Lakeshore Technical CollegeCleveland, WI | $4,376 |
$6,433 | $146 |
$219 | $2,061 |
- |
$9,614 |
Milwaukee Area Technical CollegeMilwaukee, WI | $5,017 |
$7,210 | $146 |
$219 | $2,580 |
$8,658 |
$7,890 |
Moraine Park Technical CollegeFond du Lac, WI | $4,713 |
$6,917 | $146 |
$219 | $2,061 |
- |
$9,614 |
Nicolet Area Technical CollegeRhinelander, WI | $4,724 |
$6,917 | $146 |
$219 | $1,722 |
- |
$8,546 |
Northcentral Technical CollegeWausau, WI | $3,861 |
$5,615 | $146 |
$219 | $2,061 |
- |
$9,614 |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical CollegeGreen Bay, WI | $4,904 |
$7,097 | $163 |
$236 | $2,200 |
- |
$9,616 |
Chippewa Valley Technical CollegeEau Claire, WI | $4,724 |
$6,917 | $146 |
$219 | $2,061 |
- |
$9,614 |
Waukesha County Technical CollegePewaukee, WI | $4,694 |
$6,887 | $146 |
$219 | $2,064 |
- |
$9,616 |
Western Technical CollegeLa Crosse, WI | $4,716 |
$6,909 | $146 |
$219 | $2,060 |
$6,950 |
$8,544 |
Average | $4,682 | $6,823 | $147 | $220 | $2,090 | $7,804 | $9,263 |