For the academic year 2023-2024, Pepperdine's tuition & fees is $66,742 for first-year students. Compared to similar schools, its Pepperdine's tuition is somewhat high. The average tuition of the schools is $52,551.
The average tuition of similar schools to Pepperdine is higher than 4-year colleges' average, which is $25,111 in 2024.
Pepperdine University has the most expensive tuition & fees of $66,742 and Brigham Young University has the lowest tuition & fees of $6,496 among the schools.
The average itemized cost for schools similar to Pepperdine is as follows:
- Undergraduate tuition & Fees is $52,551.
- Cost per credit hour is $1,767.
- Books & supplies cost is $1,008.
- Living cost is $17,334 (on-campus), $18,266 (off-campus).
Tuition Comparison Table: Pepperdine and its Similar Schools
The following table compares 2024 tuition, fees, and other colleges expenses between Pepperdine and similar schools to it. You can compare these schools on a variety of aspects at college comparison page.
2024 Tuition Comparison Between Similar Schools To Pepperdine UniversitySchool Name | Tuition & Fees | Cost Per Credit Hour | Books & Supplies | Living Costs |
In-State | Out-of-State | In-State | Out-of-State |
On Campus | Off Campus |
Loyola Marymount UniversityLos Angeles, CA | $58,489 |
| $2,404 |
| $938 |
$20,713 |
$21,863 |
University of the PacificStockton, CA | $55,340 |
| $1,881 |
| $938 |
$16,688 |
$18,330 |
Pepperdine UniversityMalibu, CA | $66,742 |
| $2,070 |
| $1,000 |
$23,270 |
$23,270 |
University of San DiegoSan Diego, CA | $56,444 |
| $1,856 |
| $938 |
$18,084 |
$19,431 |
University of San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA | $58,222 |
| $2,055 |
| $1,152 |
$17,300 |
$18,236 |
Santa Clara UniversitySanta Clara, CA | $59,241 |
| $1,627 |
| $939 |
$18,984 |
$19,431 |
Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaMoraga, CA | $56,134 |
| $1,987 |
| $938 |
$16,900 |
$19,431 |
University of PortlandPortland, OR | $54,900 |
| $1,700 |
| $810 |
$16,600 |
$14,608 |
Brigham Young UniversityProvo, UT | $6,496 |
| $342 |
| $1,040 |
$9,720 |
$9,720 |
Gonzaga UniversitySpokane, WA | $53,500 |
| $1,750 |
| $1,382 |
$15,080 |
$18,343 |
Average | - | $52,551 | - | $1,767 | $1,008 | $17,334 | $18,266 |