Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton is a Less than 2-year, private (for-profit) school located in Brockton, MA.

The Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton's 2024 tuition & fees is $15,856 for the academic year 2023-2024.

Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton is related to Porter & Chester Institute (parent institute). It is accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. All campuses and schools can be found on Porter & Chester Institute page.

2024 Tuition & Fees and 2025 Estimation

For undergraduate programs, the 2024 tuition & fees of Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton is $15,856.

The estimated 2025 tuition & fees for prospective students is $15,856 based on the current year tuition changes from last year.


The estimation for 2024-2025 tuition costs is based on the cost change rates of last year.

Learning Opportunities and Campus Services

Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton does not offer online classes (distance learning opportunities) for any degree program.

Special Learning Opportunities at Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton
Learning Opportunities
Weekend/Evening CollegeNo
Teacher CertificationNo
Study AbroadNo
On-Campus Services
Academic/career counseling serviceNo
Employment services for studentsNo
Placement services for completersNo
On-campus day care for students' childrenNo

Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton Directory Information

Address609 Belmont Street, Brockton, MA
WEBSchool's Website
AdmissionAdmission Information
Financial AidDeadlines and Applications
Net Price CalculatorNet Price Calculator
Disability ServiceDisability Services
School TypeLess than 2-year, private (for-profit)
Carnegie Category
Highest Degree OfferedUn-Known

Offered Degrees and Certificates

Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton has undergraduate programs. It is a non-degree granting school and you can earn certificates for offered programs. By degree/certificate types, the school offers 2-Years Certificate.

The offered programs and degrees at this campus may differ from its parent school. For detailed programs can be found on admission and area of study page of Porter & Chester Institute.

Tools for analyzing and comparing Porter and Chester Institute - Brockton

Ratings & Review

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