The following information is based on the U.S. Department of Education data. We note that data for the school is not available since 2015 (the school has been closed, excluded from the IPEDS database and/or the school did not reported its data). You may want to check the information for reference or research purposes.

It is a Less than 2-year, Private school located in Lucerne, CA. It is non-degree granting school.

Directory Information

Address3700 Country Club Dr., Lucerne, CA
Closed Dateun-known
School Web-
School Type-
Carnegie Category
Highest Degree OfferedUn-Known

Tuition & Fees

The school did not possess campus housing facilities (i.e. dormitory and residence halls possessed by the school).

Key Statistics

Key academic stats for Marymount California University-Lakeside Campus were listed in the table below.

Key Academics Stats