Applying to Herzing University-Atlanta








Acceptance Rate

How hard is Herzing University-Atlanta to get into?

Herzing University-Atlanta acceptance rate is 94.12% for 2023-2024 admission. A total of 68 students applied and 64 were admitted to the school. Its acceptance rate is relatively high, making it somewhat easy to get into Herzing University-Atlanta.

To apply to Herzing University-Atlanta, it is required to submit high school GPA and record.

Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2023-24, the acceptance rate of Herzing University-Atlanta is 94.12% and the yield (also known as enrollment rate) is 68.75%. 17 men and 51 women applied to Herzing University-Atlanta and 16 men and 48 women students were accepted.

Among them, 11 men and 33 women were enrolled in Herzing University-Atlanta (Fall 2023).

Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics at Herzing University-Atlanta
TotalMenWomenAnother GenderGender Unknown
Acceptance Rate 94.12%94.12%94.12%--
Yield 68.75%68.75%68.75%--

Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) (Last update: December 11, 2024)

Herzing University-Atlanta 2024 Acceptance Rate By Gender chart

First-year Enrollment by Gender and Enrolled Type

For the academic year 2023-24, total 44 first-year students enrolled in Herzing University-Atlanta. The proportion of full-time students is 63.64% and part-time students is 36.36%.

By gender, the proportion of men students is 25.00% and women students is 75.00%.

The following table shows the first-year students by gender and enrolled type at Herzing University-Atlanta.

First-Year Students by Gender and Enrolled Type at Herzing University-Atlanta
TotalMenWomenAnother GenderGender Unknown

Data source: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) (Last update: December 11, 2024)

Application Requirements

It requires to submit High School GPA, High School Record (or Transcript), English Proficiency Test, and Other Test (Wonderlic,WISC-III,etc) to its applicants.

The SAT and ACT test score is not considered in admission process at Herzing University-Atlanta. The english proficiency test is reqired .

The next table summarizes the application requirements to apply Herzing University-Atlanta.

For more admission information such as minimum GPA and deadlines, see its online application page .

Herzing University-Atlanta Admission Requirements
High School GPARequired
High School RankNot Considered
High School Record (or Transcript)Required
Completion of College Preparatory ProgramNot Considered
RecommendationsNot Considered
Formal Demonstration of CompetenciesNot Considered
SAT / ACTNot Considered
English Proficiency TestRequired
Other Test (Wonderlic,WISC-III,etc)Required
Work experienceNot Considered
Personal statement or essayNot Considered
Legacy statusNot Considered

General Admissions Information

The following table provides general admission information for applying to Herzing University-Atlanta.

Admission Information for Applying to Herzing University-Atlanta
Open Admission PolicyNo
Admission Information
Online Application
Calendar SystemSemester
Course for High School StudentsNot Offered
Credits AcceptedCredits for Life Experiences, Advanced placement (AP) Credits
Degree Offered2-Years Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master, Post-Master Certificate

Ratings & Review

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