How much does it cost to go to University of Hawaii at Hilo?
The 2024 tuition & fees of University of Hawaii at Hilo is $7,838 for in-state and $20,798 for out-of-state students. Its tuition & fees has not risen since 2021.
Its tuition & fees is lower than the average tuition for Doctoral / Research University (not R1, R2)' tuition of $31,004 based on out-of-state tuition rate.
Based on the last year increase rate, The 2025 estimated tuition & fees at UHH is $7,838 for Hawaii residents and $20,798 for out-of-state students, the same as current year.
UHH 2024 Tuition & Fees
Year | In-State | Out-of-State | Doctoral / Research University (not R1, R2)' Average |
2022-2023 | $7,838 |
$20,798 | $30,145 |
2023-2024 | $7,838 | $20,798 | $31,004 |
Change % 2023-2024 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 2.85% |
2024-2025 Estimate | $7,838 | $20,798 | $31,886 |
How much do you actually pay at UHH?
The living costs at UHH is $12,234 when living on campus. The on-campus living costs increased by 0.67% compared to the previous year. The off-campus living costs increased by 7.72%.
The UHH's 2024 COA is $21,422 for in-state and $34,382 for out-of-state students for whom living on campus. The off-campus COA is $36,592 for in-state and $49,552 for out-of-state students.
93% of enrolled students have received grants or scholarships, and the average aid amount is $6,820. It could cover 32.79% of full tuition amount.
After receiving the financial aid, the net price is $14,602 for in-state and $27,562 for out-of-state students..
University of Hawaii at Hilo 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA) | On-Campus | Off-Campus |
In-State | Out-State | In-State | Out-State |
Tuition & Fees | $7,838 | $20,798 | $7,838 | $20,798 |
Room & Board | $8,248 | $14,524 |
Personal Expenses | $3,986 | $12,880 |
Books & Supplies | $1,350 | $1,350 |
COA | $21,422 | $34,382 | $36,592 | $49,552 |
COA with Financial Aid | $14,602 | $27,562 | $29,772 | $42,732 |
UHH 4-Years Tuition
How Much is UHH tuition for 4 years?
UHH's 4-years tuition is $31,352 for in-state and $83,192 for out-of-state students, based on current tuition and change rate.
Since the tuition & fees at University of Hawaii at Hilo have not been increased over the last 4 years, the estimated tuition & fees are the same as the current cost. The actual cost may differ from the estimation based on the school or university system's tuition policy.
UHH 4 Years Tuition & Fees Estimates
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $31,352 |
Out-of-State | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $83,192 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $31,352 |
Out-of-State | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $83,192 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $31,352 |
Out-of-State | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $83,192 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $31,352 |
Out-of-State | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $83,192 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $7,838 | $31,352 |
Out-of-State | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $20,798 | $83,192 |
Net Price for 4 Years at UHH
Based on recent tuition increase rate, for the students who were admitted in Fall 2024, the estimated 4-years COA is $85,893 for Hawaii residents and $137,733 for out-of-state students.
UHH 4 Years COA
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $21,443 | $21,463 | $21,484 | $21,504 | $85,893 |
Out-of-State | $34,403 | $34,423 | $34,444 | $34,464 | $137,733 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $21,463 | $21,484 | $21,504 | $21,525 | $85,976 |
Out-of-State | $34,423 | $34,444 | $34,464 | $34,485 | $137,816 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $21,484 | $21,504 | $21,525 | $21,546 | $86,058 |
Out-of-State | $34,444 | $34,464 | $34,485 | $34,506 | $137,898 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $21,504 | $21,525 | $21,546 | $21,566 | $86,141 |
Out-of-State | $34,464 | $34,485 | $34,506 | $34,526 | $137,981 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $21,525 | $21,546 | $21,566 | $21,587 | $86,224 |
Out-of-State | $34,485 | $34,506 | $34,526 | $34,547 | $138,064 |
Actual COA after Receiving Financial Aid
After receiving the financial aid, the net price for 4 years of attending the school is $58,613 for Hawaii residents and $110,453 for out-of-state students.
UHH 4 Years COA after Receiving Financial Aid
| Residency | Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | 4 Years Total |
Class of 2028 (Entering Fall 2024) | In-State | $14,623 | $14,643 | $14,664 | $14,684 | $58,613 |
Out-of-State | $27,583 | $27,603 | $27,624 | $27,644 | $110,453 |
Class of 2029 (Entering Fall 2025) | In-State | $14,643 | $14,664 | $14,684 | $14,705 | $58,696 |
Out-of-State | $27,603 | $27,624 | $27,644 | $27,665 | $110,536 |
Class of 2030 (Entering Fall 2026) | In-State | $14,664 | $14,684 | $14,705 | $14,726 | $58,778 |
Out-of-State | $27,624 | $27,644 | $27,665 | $27,686 | $110,618 |
Class of 2031 (Entering Fall 2027) | In-State | $14,684 | $14,705 | $14,726 | $14,746 | $58,861 |
Out-of-State | $27,644 | $27,665 | $27,686 | $27,706 | $110,701 |
Class of 2032 (Entering Fall 2028) | In-State | $14,705 | $14,726 | $14,746 | $14,767 | $58,944 |
Out-of-State | $27,665 | $27,686 | $27,706 | $27,727 | $110,784 |
UHH's Graduate Tuition
The graduate school tuition at University of Hawaii at Hilo is $12,230 for in-state and $27,062 for out-of-state studetns. Detailed graduate program tuition and majors can be found at UHH gradute program page.
UHH Graduate Tuition & Fees
Year | In-State | Out-of-State |
2022-2023 | $12,230 |
$27,062 |
2023-2024 | $12,230 | $27,062 |
Change % 2023-2024 | 0.00% | 0.00% |
2024-2025 | $12,230 | $27,062 |
Tuition Per Credit Hour
For part-time and/or full-time students who take additional credits at UHH is $306 for Hawaii residents and $846 for out-of-state students. The graduate tuition per credit hour is $489 for Hawaii residents and $1,107 for out-of-state students.
Per Credit Hour Charge at UHH
| Year | In-State | Out-of-State |
Undergraduate | 2022-2023 | $306 | $846 |
2023-2024 | $306 | $846 |
2024-2025 (Estimate) | $306 | $846 |
Graduate | 2022-2023 | $489 | $1,107 |
2023-2024 | $489 | $1,107 |
2024-2025 (Estimate) | $489 | $1,107 |
UHH Tuition Charts
The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at UHH. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.